That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Some who have come to this nation from countries where forcible citizen disarmament is the law of the land would inflict the same evil here. Those, on the other hand, who turn that experience into the wisdom to resist such tyranny at every turn are far better Americans than many who were born here. [More]
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Escapees from rights-challenged lands revere 2nd Amd. more than many born here
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Descendant of Holocaust survivors wants us less capable of resisting holocausts
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Knowing full well the epic scope of genocidal mass murder that can be perpetrated by a government, unless millions of determined and well armed "John Q. Publics" are prepared to stop it, he nevertheless wants to dramatically reduce the firepower available to the citizenry.
There is a term for that kind of person, although one could argue that it is unfairly and prejudicially cruel--to bagels. [More]
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
With GOP sellout on private sales looming, non-compliance is second-to-last step
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Oh, and about that "second-to-last step" in today's title? One would hope that regular readers will not need to be told what step comes after that. When civil disobedience fails, after all, the one alternative left is . . . much less civil.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Government prepares for war with the people, and mass media approves
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Get that? Law enforcement officers "need" to be capable of "killing large numbers of people." What part of maintaining law and order requires mass slaughter?
If there is any conceivable scenario in which law enforcement officers need to kill "large numbers of people," then "large numbers of [we the] people" need as much firepower as we can possibly acquire. [More]
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Feinstein presumes to legislate limits on Constitutional rights
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Never mind all that, though, because it's irrelevant. Laws do not, can not impose limits on the Constitution. The reality is precisely the opposite--the Constitution imposes limits on what laws are legitimate (although those limits have very rarely been enforced over many decades).
Still, if Feinstein wants to argue that the right to keep and bear arms is unlimited, pending passage of her Intolerable Act, why not let her? Drinks are on the Senator--everyone enjoy a nice, tall glass of shall not be infringed. [More]
Friday, January 25, 2013
GOP, NRA may invent distinction between 'loopholes' at gun shows and away
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.This array of choices serve both the anti-gunners and the weak-kneed "allies" of gun rights advocates. The gun ban lobby wants the outright ban on private sales, but if that looks impossible, they'll take the still pretty big bite out of the apple that a gun show "loophole" closing bill represents (look for a legislative attack on the "internet gun sales 'loophole,'" as well). They know they can always come back for more next year, and the year after, etc., until they get it all.
Meanwhile, a flaccid GOP and NRA can claim "victory" (by virtue of having stopped the universal background check), despite gun shows (and maybe internet sales) having become vastly more heavily regulated. Note also that LaPierre, while laying down the fire and brimstone about universal background checks, also spent considerable time warning of the (very real) dangers of a national gun registry. Such a registry may not look particularly likely to pass any time soon, but by raising its menacing specter, he hopes to give gun rights advocates something else to cheer about when that threat is "defeated." [More]
Known 'gun criminal' David Gregory goes uncharged; life-saving hero may not
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.We are told in hysterical tones that the law so brazenly violated by David Gregory is absolutely essential to the safety of Americans (especially "the children"), but when he violates it, for cheap political theater, in an attempt to embarrass gun rights advocates, it is an outrage that prosecution was ever considered.
Meanwhile, a man who saves a child's life with a possibly "illegal" gun is potentially facing a full year or more in prison for doing so, and Greta Van Sustren and Howard Kurtz seem not to have uttered a peep in protest.
What does one call a society that excuses law-breaking done for the purpose of propagandizing a fabricated justification for still more freedom-crushing laws, but throws the book at someone whose "crime" was saving the life of a child? Whatever the name for such a society, it cannot be very complimentary. [More]
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Why do you need an 'assault rifle' or 'high-capacity' magazine?
Rob Olive explains, in a must-read piece. I have nothing to add, except an exhortation to read it and share it.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Oath keeping sheriffs pledge their lives to protect counties from 'gun control'
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.If the federal government expects a potential "war at home" to be one sided, it is making an enormous, and very possibly fatal, mistake. The battle lines are being drawn, and every American citizen, whether on the government payroll or not, may very soon be forced to pick a side. Choose wisely. [More]
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
NRA unlikely to strongly fight private sales ban unless pushed to do so
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.For the NRA president not to even question that figure (or the fact that a Bureau of Justice Statistics study found that fewer than 1% of "crime guns" come from gun shows) seems close to a dereliction of duty. The increasingly likely looking prospect of abject surrender on the issue would be still much worse than that.
With NRA membership surging, leadership (if that's not too kind a term) appears poised to beat a hasty retreat. It's time for them to grow a spine--and they had better hurry--and they will only do so if we demand it. Drop them a line. [More]
Monday, January 21, 2013
Congressman wants to censor Internet of 'high capacity' magazine plans
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.So even if you do not have a 3-D printer, or any plans to get one in the foreseeable future, download the magazine file (or all of the Wiki Weapon files). Information, like patriotic Americans, wants to be free, and oath-breaking officials like Steve Israel cannot be allowed to interfere with that freedom. [More]
Friday, January 18, 2013
What if the federal government threw a 'gun control' party, and nobody came?
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Do the states (and at least one county) have much hope of backing the feds down? That might seem unlikely, given this regime's passion for disarming the citizenry. On the other hand, Obama recently announced the enforcing federal marijuana prohibition laws in states that have decided to defy them is not a "top priority," because the Obama government has "bigger fish to fry."
Granted, it would seem that American gun owners are now his "bigger fish," but if we resolve to be too big--and too dangerous--to "fry," he might just decide to give up trying to put citizens' rights on his stringer. Or perhaps he'll discover too late that he needs a bigger boat. [More]
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Obama's illegal executive orders for 'gun control' undermine rule of law
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Here's the problem, though--if laws do not apply to the government (and friends), why should we feel compelled to obey them, either? If the rule of law is no longer operative, what is our obligation to the law?
A law-breaking government is no legitimate government at all, and has no claim on the citizenry's loyalty. So be it. [More]
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The 'slippery slope' of 'gun control' is clearly very real, but not the point
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.We do not care if banning regime change rifles and "high capacity" magazines is as far down the slope as the gun prohibitionists want to go (and it isn't, anyway). Maintaining our access to these arms is worth the legal danger of defying such laws. If that defiance is met with the armed might of the government, it will be worth fighting and dying for--but even more worth killing for.
If we must make the slippery slope argument (and that argument does have some value--for pointing out to hunters who don't care about AR-15s that the next step will be banning their scoped bolt-action hunting rifles as scary "sniper rifles," for example), we need to stop pointing to a total, outright, confiscatory ban as the end point. The "government monopoly on force" secured by such a ban is instead merely the means to an end. What is that end? Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership can tell you. [More]
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Call them 'regime change rifles'
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.To deny these arms' utility for combat is to distance them from the central scope of the Second Amendment's function.
So let us instead call them "regime change rifles." In the terrible (and less "unthinkable" every day) event of the rise of a tyrannical regime in the United States, effective fighting arms in the hands of millions of American citizens will be essential for overthrowing it. Furthermore, the banning of such arms will be one of the surest signs that "regime change" has already become necessary. [More]
Monday, January 14, 2013
Schumer wants retailers to get potential 'assaul weapon' ban off to early start
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.There is, of course, still another reason for Schumer to worry about sales of "assault weapons" in advance of any ban: the more of them in the hands of we the people, the more capable we will be in resisting Schumer's forcible citizen disarmament fantasy. In the end, what would be most "undermined" by a well-armed American citizenry is the government's ability to enforce the tyranny of "gun control," and even to survive the effort to do so. [More]
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Biden not intelligent enough to reject 'smart guns'
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Granted, Jeremy Shane can be dismissed as an idiot, and if he truly believes what he is spouting, the most primitive matchlock firearm in history is indeed a good deal "smarter" than he is (and a good deal more useful in stopping a would-be mass murderer of children in a school than his "smart" guns would be). And yet even so, his idiocy was not enough to keep him from a position of power in the federal government, and now he is presumably being paid by the mass media to shape public opinion.
We don't need smarter guns. We need smarter voters, to keep "smart gun" fanboys like Biden and Obama well away from the levers of power. [More]
Friday, January 11, 2013
Think government mass murder for 'gun control' can't happen here? It already has
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence would, of course, argue that the Native Americans who fought back so bravely, so futilely against their butchers were wrong to do so, because the government must have a monopoly on political violence.
The "Battle" of Wounded Knee is the result of the government's near-monopoly on the means of force. That seems to work out rather poorly for the people. [More]
What GOP and 'gun lobby' should be willing to yield: Absolutely nothing
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Give them nothing. Not an inch, not a millimeter. Fight them every step. Fight them as if our lives and liberties depend on it, because they do. Draw inspiration not from Neville Chamberlain, but from Winston Churchill (see sidebar video).
We may still lose, and restrictive new laws may still pass. Then we must defy them. And if that fails, the fight is still not over. [More]
Thursday, January 10, 2013
'Assault weapons,' ('patrol rifles'?), 'Only Ones' and marksmanship
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Sgt. Walker has, intentionally or not, made a pretty good case for the argument that if private citizens really are not particularly proficient with firearms, "assault weapons" are just what they need in a dangerous situation. [More]
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Oath keeping sheriffs provide sharp contrast to oath breaking general
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Police and military personnel may soon be forced to choose between the "government monopoly on force," and the American people. May most choose wisely. [More]
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
CSGV tries to bully newly elected senator for rejecting extreme gun restrictions
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Senator Heitkamp has taken an honorable and principled stand (and not without courage, for a brand new senator), and is now under attack for it. As gun rights advocates, the least we can do is let her know, via phone (the number again is 202- 224-3121), Facebook and Twitter, that we greatly appreciate it.
We must not let the bullies win. [More]
'Magazine control' will be made irrelevant even sooner than 'gun control' will
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.While "printing" so-called "assault weapons" is not quite ready for prime time--but getting closer every day (see sidebar video)--printing effective magazines is even closer. Consumer grade 3-D printers currently operate with plastic, rather than metal, which poses some difficulties in manufacturing effective firearms. Magazines, on the other hand, are a different story. Soldiers and Marines in combat zones overseas have bought thousands of MagPul's plastic-bodied "PMAGs" with their own money, in preference to the government issued metal magazines. [More]
Monday, January 07, 2013
Americans aren't buying 'assault weapons' just to have something to register
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.People don't buy expensive (especially expensive now) gear just to have something to turn over to Feinstein when she finally gets to say, "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in." The kind of American most likely to want AR-15s tends also to be the type least eager to register them with the government--particularly not a government agency as historically hostile to private gun ownership as is the BATFE (our "most hated federal agency," before "Project Gunwalker").
In other words, Feinstein proposes to make millions of new "gun criminals" out of decent Americans. So be it. How does she intend to arrest us, and whom does she propose do the arresting? [More]
Saturday, January 05, 2013
Illinois house picks up senate's war on the armed citizenry
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.The advice here will be a bit different. I suggest readers show these officials all due respect. In some cases that would be all the respect due a longtime anti-gun oath-breaker who has already told concerned gun owners calling her to "save [their] breath." [More]
Friday, January 04, 2013
That depends on the game being hunted, Senator Muñoz
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.The third response to Muñoz's little quip is to point out that when the game one is "hunting" is an oath-breaking aspiring tyrant, perhaps riding in an armored limousine, rifles chambered for the .50 BMG cartridge can be just the ticket. Anti-gun United States Senator Dianne Feinstein and U.S. Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA, in both cases) are well aware of this, and frightened by it--and America is better off for their fear. [More]
Thursday, January 03, 2013
IL Dems think 11-round magazines more dangerous than outdated nuclear plants
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.The first bill to get this treatment is Illinois House Bill 0815, which passed easily in the House back in May, by a 70-45-1 margin. What did HB 815 do, before Senator Dan Kotowski got hold of it yesterday? It dealt with nuclear power plant safety, requiring among other things that plant owners set aside money for improved monitoring and control gear. After Fukushima, that sounds like a pretty decent idea, does it not?
Not, apparently, to Sen. Kotowski. He believes that public safety in Illinois can better be served by banning 11-round and larger magazines, and imposing such a burdensome regulatory regime on shooting ranges as to make it economically unfeasible to operate them., so he introduced amendments to remove the nuclear safety language, and ban magazines and gun ranges. [More]
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Feinstein's 'assault weapon' ban probably not gun grabbers' main effort
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.Feinstein's attempt to ban so-called "assault weapons" seems highly unlikely to pass, but that does not mean that the bill will fail to advance the forcible citizen disarmament lobby's agenda. If we the people allow our public servants to hide behind any ambiguity over our demand that shall not be infringed be treated as meaning what it says, we have no one to blame but ourselves. [More]
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Illinois lawmakers pondering gun ban in defiance of voters' will
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.The lame duck legislators may feel empowered to break their oath of office to uphold the Constitution, by the fact that they will never again need the votes of the people they propose to betray. They should remember that getting voted out of office is far from the worst possible way to be held accountable to the people. [More]