Today's JPFO Alert argues that in some ways, it hardly matters whether the Second Amendment was intended solely a the final bulwark against government tyranny, rather than also protecting the people's means to self-defense against common criminals. The difference, after all, between a rights-violating government, and freelance dirtbags, is merely one of scale.
We are the militia, necessary to the security of a free state. Any violence against us, even individually, rather than against the people in general, and by freelance criminals, rather than agents of the government, is therefore nonetheless an attack on that which is necessary to secure our free state. We thus have not only the right, but the patriotic duty to defend ourselves against such violence. Anyone who attempts to undermine that right and duty has allied himself with brutal thugs, in and out of government, and has declared himself an enemy of the American people.
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.