That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.One could of course argue that this portion of Amendment 5 would seem to be in direct contradiction of its purported purpose of declaring the right to keep and bear arms "unalienable" (given that it provides explicit language permitting "aliening" the right under certain circumstances)--and indeed one has made precisely that contention. That, however, is clearly not the Post-Dispatch's argument.
Dotson wants to use the power of government to overturn the overwhelmingly popular will of the people. That's kinda dangerous with an armed populace. [More]
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Monday, September 29, 2014
Police chief sues to overturn will of the voters, make gun rights 'alienable'
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Feinstein's lust for confiscation of 'assault weapons' unmitigated by time
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.But, as she revealed in a statement to ProPublica this month, she still wants a ban, still wants it to be permanent (no "sunset provision") and still wants it to be confiscatory [More]
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
JPFO Alert: Congressman Wants to Require Government Permission to Build or Print Guns
Today's JPFO Alert wonders if there is any way to trade in a real clunker of a Honda.
Back in July, Honda introduced H.R. 5344, a bill banning private citizens' purchase of body armor capable of stopping rifle rounds. He wants, in other words, to make gunfire more dangerous, because he believes "public safety" requires that the "authorities" can more easily kill the people. The Violence Policy Center, by the way, is also enthusiastically on board with that bill.
If someone comes up with a practical way of making effective body armor at home, we will undoubtedly see Rep. Honda spring into action again. An aspiring tyrant's work is never done.
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.
St. Louis 'open carry walk' will celebrate Amendment 5, raise awareness
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Nor, of course, was refusing to move to the back of the bus for the faint of heart (a description never applied to Rosa Parks), or marching into Selma, or, for that matter, defending Lexington and Concord from the red coats. The intent here, of course, is not to put the planned Open Carry Walk on the same level as those historical events, but to note that very little of worth is accomplished without both risk and effort. [More]
Friday, September 19, 2014
NBC's call to treat home invaders 'like royalty' even worse than first appears
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.And since "treat them like royalty" clearly means to Zeins and NBC that the home invaders should be given everything they want, one could easily be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that they believe that "royalty" should be treated as superiors. From that, one cannot help but wonder if they would prefer that we still were under British monarchic rule. [More]
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Brady Campaign lawsuits against online ammo dealers aim to cripple 2nd Amendment
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.At the very least, this suit is intended to lay the groundwork for making it impossible to buy ammunition online. Shoot any "oddball" calibers, that are unlikely to be found at any local shops? You're out of luck . . . and out of ammo. And that is the whole idea. [More]
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
JPFO Alert: Anti-gun Group Wants to Ban Rifles "Too Accurate" for Civilians
Today's JPFO Alert remarks on anti-gunners' War on Bystanders.
But even CSGV, with their unceasing call for a "government monopoly on force," cannot match the National Gun Victims Action Council (NGVAC) for overwrought, fear mongering rhetoric. Again, in the same Oregon Herald quoted earlier, NGVAC CEO Elliot Fineman argued that private citizens must be limited by law to firearm technology that makes them miss at least 70% of the time . . .
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
JPFO Alert: ISIS Would Be Well Served by its pro-"Gun Control" Stance in Jihad against U.S
Today's JPFO Alert notes that domestic "gun control" advocates want us disarmed. So does ISIS. Interesting "friends," eh?
And if Americans were actually so foolish as to allow these attacks to be used to justify yet more oppressive gun laws, in the name of "safety," I would laugh and laugh, and thank my (unwitting?) allies of "Everytown for Gun Safety," "Americans for Responsible Solutions," the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the Brady Campaign, etc., . . . and then move in for the kill, which will have just become far easier, thanks to "gun control."
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
JPFO Alert: Gun Ban Zealots Offer Libertarians Choice: Police State or . . . Police State
Today's JPFO Alert notes the false "choice" offered by the gun ban jihadists.
That sounds rather a lot like extortion, and is also a false choice. The police work for us--they are our employees. We bought the armored vehicles from which they point guns at us, and the grenades they throw at our children. We don't have to sacrifice any of our rights to rein them in--we need only muster the will to tell them that if the job of "protecting and serving" a free people without indulging their Rambo fantasies is too scary for them, they'd best find another line of work.
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.