That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Near the end of the segment (see accompanying video) Maass asks Mauser, who had just expressed his "disgust" at the successful efforts to make "a mockery of" the law (a law very worthy of mockery), "What do you do now?" Mauser sighed mournfully, hung his head, and eventually replied, "That's a good question."
Indeed it is, and its a question that the "gun control" zealots within the Colorado government appear to be utterly unable to answer. [More]
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Friday, October 31, 2014
A little ingenuity renders Colorado 'high capacity' magazine ban toothless
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
JPFO Alert: Newest "Smart Gun" Concept Probably Most Sensible Yet, Still Poses Threat
Today's JPFO Alert notes a "smart gun" concept that actually has merit--but carries risks of its own.
Still, though, if cops can be forced to adopt this technology, laws mandating it for the rest of us are possible, too, and some will no doubt see that as a brilliant idea, with the government now given the capability of real time tracking of all privately owned guns so equipped. If that becomes law, how much longer would it be before Yardarm is strongly "encouraged" to revive their now scrapped program of implementing a remote "kill switch" for such guns?
The idea is a good one, but this time it would be necessary that the "Only Ones," truly are the "Only Ones" with such equipment.
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.
JPFO Alert: The "Moderate Gun Control" Group Really Exists!
Today's JPFO Alert finds the elusive "moderate 'gun control'" group.
But on second thought, perhaps such an organization really does exist. There exists, after all, an organization that repeatedly calls for the government to "enforce existing gun laws," and even says that failure to do so is a crime. The same group supported enormously restrictive regulation of fully-automatic firearms, short-barreled rifles and shotguns, and even a safety device (suppressors, routinely, if inaccurately, referred to as "silencers"). The Gun Control Act of 1968 passed with this group's blessing.
Still, by virtue of fighting against bans of so-called "assault weapons," and "high capacity" magazines, for supporting the right to armed self-defense outside the home, and for the right to stand one's ground when violently attacked in a place one has a right to be, for opposing efforts to ban private gun sales, and for opposition to various other of the very worst proposed infringements on that which shall not be infringed, the NRA can plausibly claim not to be among the extremists for "gun control."
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Japan stomps on 3-D printed gun maker for rendering 'gun controls toothless'
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Japan has for decades imposed iron-fisted controls on not only private possession of guns, but on swords, and even long knives, preserving the "government monopoly on force" so beloved of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. That monopoly is now crumbling. Imura was caught because he made no effort to hide his gun making (and indeed actively publicized it). Others will be more circumspect. And there is very little a government can do about them, in Japan, in the U.S., or anywhere else. [More]
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
JPFO Alert: Brady Campaign's "Gun Control for Dummies" is Missing a Word
Today's JPFO Alert replies to the Brady Campaign's "Gun Control for Dummies" with a question: is there any other kind?
If "gun control" did not propose to make us safer by hindering our ability to defend ourselves, while simultaneously counting on laws to regulate the behavior of the lawless, it might have more appeal among intelligent people. But that is precisely what it proposes, and intelligent people aren't buying it.
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
JPFO Alert: Technological Advances Aid Home Gun Manufacture, Bypass "Gun Control"
The gun ban zealots often argue (speciously) that when the Second Amendment was drafted, the Founding Fathers could not have imagined advances in firearms technology. Today's JPFO Alert argues that it's the drafters of restrictive gun laws who fail to anticipate the technology that will render their precious laws irrelevant.
And now, a new Australian company promises to bring 3-D printing of metal objects to the home, starting at under $5,000.
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
JPFO Alert: New Jersey Considers Mandatory Gun "Buybacks"
Today's JPFO Alert calls the very idea of a "mandatory gun buyback" a lie.
If the government wants to "buy" your guns, tell them the price not in dollars, but in blood--and make it higher than they can afford.
And as always, if you haven't seen all the great JPFO Alerts written by David, Nicki, Claire, and Mama Liberty, you owe it to yourself to fix that.
Defense Distributed's 'Ghost Gunner' brings gun manufacturing to the masses
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.When millions of Americans, with neither the metalworking and gunsmithing skills to build firearms by hand, or the wealth to buy equipment sufficiently sophisticated (at the prices such equipment commanded until now) to do so through automation, can nevertheless produce effective fighting arms in the privacy of their homes, "universal background check" laws, "prohibited person" laws, "assault weapon" bans, etc. become meaningless. The gun ban zealots' worst nightmare--uncontrollable, utterly anonymous access to so-called "assault weapons" is upon us, spelling the death of the "government monopoly on force" so beloved of the gun ban jihadis.
That's a victory for humanity. [More]