That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.He wants private citizens to be less protected against gunfire, less well equipped to effectively fight armored assailants, and unable to acquire firearms without the government's knowledge and approval. He, in other words, wants us held in serfdom--or dead. [More]
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Thursday, January 29, 2015
Congressman Honda still wants private citizens defenseless against rifle fire
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
JPFO Alert: Backlash Against "American Sniper" Illustrates More Than Hostility to U.S. Troops
Today's JPFO Alert look a little more deeply into what motivates the left's fear and loathing of "American Sniper."
"American Sniper" terrifies these people precisely because America is quite fertile ground for producing people who can change the world with one shot from a rooftop a mile away. That's a "change they can believe in," but one they would much prefer not to.
CT bill would give residents another chance to have their guns confiscated
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.And now gun owners are supposed to be grateful to have another "opportunity" to direct the confiscation raiders to their doors?
Thanks, but no thanks, Representative Miner. [More]
Friday, January 23, 2015
Violence Policy Center accuses gun industry of secret advertising, or something
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.That, after all, makes rather a lot more sense than trying to hide their advertising. The very purpose of advertising is defeated if that advertising is not seen.
Then again, given Sugarmann's collectivist hostility to free enterprise, his difficulty comprehending even the most rudimentary of business principles should perhaps not be surprising. [More]
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
JPFO Alert: Sandy Hook Commission Shows Why Gun Registration Requirements Must be Defied
Today's JPFO Alert notes that Connecticut gun owners who obediently registered their so-called "assault weapons" may bitterly regret their tractability.
Registration precedes confiscation--maybe by years, or even decades, but that's the only purpose it serves, and no government can forever resist the seductive siren song promising the opportunity to secure ever more power to itself, by putting that purpose into effect. The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission has helpfully reminded any of us who may have forgotten that axiom.
C.S. Lewis on Mere Liberty and the Evils of Statism
A very much worth watching discussion of C.S. Lewis and his views on liberty and statism, presented by David J. Theroux, founder and president of The Independent Institute and the C.S. Lewis Society of California, at the first annual conference of Christians for Liberty, that was held at St. Edwards University in San Antonio, TX, August 2, 2014.
Monday, January 19, 2015
'Sanctuary cities' artificially inflate 'gun control' advocates' political power
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.And of course that greater electoral power can be (and no doubt is) used to advance aspects of the "progressive" agenda other than "gun control"--including large scale amnesty, and the attendant addition of 8 million or more anti-gun voters to the electorate.
To be a "single issue" gun rights advocate is to defend against only the direct attacks, while ignoring the more subtle ones. The forcible citizen disarmament jihadists know that, and have every intention of exploiting it. [More]
Friday, January 16, 2015
Are 'gun control' advocates starting to see dangers of open borders?
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.That, of course, ignores the fact that much of the Mexican drug cartel violence uses weapons--like those so infamously used in France recently--far more powerful than those legally available to most U.S. citizens--machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers, etc. If some handguns and "assault weapons" can so easily cross the U.S./Mexico border going south, heavier weapons can do so coming north, along with all the drugs (and illegal aliens/future Democrat voters).
Perhaps the gun ban zealots should re-think their love of open borders. [More]
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
JPFO Alert: Terrorists, "Gun Control" Advocates Would Be Great Allies in American "Charlie Hebdo"-Style Attack
Today's JPFO Alert notes that a terrorist attack in the U.S. might target a "gun free" zone, but an even more diabolical gambit is another possibility.
Foreign jihadist groups and domestic "gun control" groups cherish a common goal--greatly reduced firepower in the hands of the American people. In the end, it's hard to say that their motives are much different, either.
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.In the end, of course, the United States is still a republic, and not a democracy in which 51% of the electorate could vote away the rights of the other 49% (or even 99%, against the rights of the other 1%). Our Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms is not contingent on that right's ability to win a popularity contest.
Still, the more people who will not tolerate forcible citizen disarmament, the fewer who will need to be killed in order to stop it. [More]
Wednesday, January 07, 2015
JPFO Alert: New ATF Ruling on Privately Made Guns Defies Constitution, Logic, and English
Today's JPFO Alert takes a dizzying look down the rabbit hole of what passes for "logic" according to the BATFE.
So now, any gunsmith or machinist who is hired by the "gun" owner to complete the machining is going to be ruled to have "manufactured" a gun, and will thus be held to the same restrictions that apply to all commercial gun manufacturers. The BATFE is insisting on having its cake and eating it, too. They have previously argued that an 80% receiver ceases to be an 80% receiver, and becomes a "firearm," if the manufacturer does so much as scratch an outline showing where material needs to be milled away; but now, if the buyer of what the BATFE recognizes as an incomplete receiver similarly removes some of the material that must be removed in order to make the receiver function in a firearm, and then turns it over to a skilled professional gunsmith or machinist to finish the work, the professional ends up being considered the one to have "manufactured" the gun.
We're incessantly told about the dangers of failing to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally incompetent. How much more dangerous, though, is it to hand guns, badges, and the power to formulate gun policy (no legislation needed!) to such people?
Open carry rally in Texas will feature manufacturing guns on Capitol steps
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.In email correspondence with Phoenix Horton, one of the event organizers, St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner has learned that a plan is being put in place to avoid running afoul of the BATFE's new ruling.
That is wise, because the knowledge that technology is bringing gun manufacture to the masses, and thus threatens every facet of "gun control," is terrifying to those who believe that we the people must be ruled by the government. Terrified collectivists with the trappings of government power are dangerous, and the less excuse they are given to lash out in their fear, the safer it is for everyone. [More]