The Brady Bunch's Paul Helmke advises President-elect Obama to "'Build a Bridge to Nowhere Moderates,' with Common Sense on Guns." Helmke quotes Robert Green as saying (emphasis Helmke's):
These findings suggest that sensible gun legislation provides a unique opportunity for the new Administration to build a bridge to moderate voters in both parties. It is no longer plausible for opponents of gun legislation to assert that gun laws will somehow lead to a total gun ban.Left unsaid is any acknowledgment of the fact that Helmke and friends are the ones defining both "moderate," and "common sense." That little trick in the collectivists' arsenal has been expertly noted by others.
Mr. Green's mention of "[t]hese findings" is in reference to the Brady Bunch's loudly touted poll, supposedly illustrating widespread support for the Brady Backed "common sense" . . . infringements on that which shall not be infringed. Also left unexamined is the question of the credibility of the poll--a question rather worthy of examination, it would seem.
Then again, perhaps not--after all, even if a majority (or even a large majority) of the public does support more draconian gun laws, our Republic is not supposed to be subject to the tyranny of the majority. In other words, 51% of the populace is not supposed to be able to vote away the rights of the other 49%--nor indeed, is 99% supposed to be able to vote away the rights of the other 1%. Another way to say that is that 97% of the population will not succeed in trampling the rights of the other 3%--and they would be well advised not to try.
Finally, in reference to the "bridge to moderates" claim--I thought that according to the Brady Bunch, Ray Schoenke and the rest of the AHSAholes (I can't claim credit for that term), and His HopeandChangedness™ himself, the position on guns Obama campaigned on (when he dared mention it) was the moderate position.
If that's the case, why would he need to "build a bridge" to moderates--wouldn't that be a "bridge to nowhere"?
In other news--add this link to your bookmarks, and check it at least daily--you'll be glad you did. Mike Vanderboegh is finally blogging.
"Another way to say that is that 97% of the population will not succeed in trampling the rights of the other 3%--and they would be well advised not to try."
LOL loved the suttleness of that jab.
Another great post. I also think it is amusing in sad/scary way when I hear a liberal use the term "Common Sense" because immediately following is a drivel that is sure to make all the founding fathers roll over in their graves. Of course it also gives the connotation that anyone that opposes said "Common Sense" is either a bigot, a right-wing extremist, a racist or probably a dangerous and untrustworthy combination of them all.
It is no longer plausible for opponents of gun legislation to assert that gun laws will somehow lead to a total gun ban.
He says that out of one side of his mouth, while out of the other side of his mouth he asserts something like HR 1022 -- you know, a near total-ban on a certain class of weaponry -- is still on the table and constitutional. A bit odd, don't you think?
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