That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.The intent here is not to imply that "gun control" was the main motivation behind Yee's alleged conspiracy. All indications point to it being all about the money--paying off the $70,000 debt racked up in his failed 2011 San Francisco mayoral campaign, and raising money for his new campaign for Secretary of State (from which position, by the way, he boasted he would be even more valuable to his co-conspirators). In that respect, Yee's alleged crime was less evil than "Project Gunwalker," which could only logically have been intended to facilitate massive violence that would in turn be used to justify more draconian gun laws.
He and his agenda would certainly have benefited from that side-effect, though. [More]
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Monday, March 31, 2014
Leland Yee: Attempted 'Gunwalker'?
Sunday, March 30, 2014
JPFO Alert: Yee Will Not Be Punished for His Worst Crimes
My latest Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership alert didn't end up being published yesterday, as I'd expected, but is up now.
So for all the hypocrisy and malfeasance inherent to the misdeeds of which he is now accused, they would be hard pressed to harm the rights of we the people as badly as his legislative crimes against the Constitution have done, although it is worth noting that if the weapons trafficking charges are borne out, it will mean that he was willing to arm criminals with machine guns and missiles, while denying decent people access to detachable magazine-fed semi-automatic rifles with which to defend themselves from his heavily armed "clients."
In fact, in one way, by getting arrested on these serious charges, one could argue that he has somewhat redeemed himself, by setting back forcible citizen disarmament efforts in California.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Writing for JPFO
I have been writing a bit for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. It might be just a temporary gig, but I'm hoping to be there for a while.
I have the pleasure of working with some superb gun rights writers: Claire Wolfe, Nicki Kenyon, and coming soon, someone else with whom you will be very familiar.
The three pieces I've written so far:
- Illinois Middle School Unapologetic about Teaching "Shall Be Infringed" Version of 2nd Amendment
- The Hatemongers of the "Gun Control" Movement
- Middle School Students Learn Gun Safety, Marksmanship, and Liberty
Some time today, my fourth article will come online, taking a somewhat different look at the fall of "Hero of 'Gun Control'" Leland Yee.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Giffords anti-gun group refutes 'gun lobby is impotent' myth
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Again, though, the "gun lobby" is us--gun rights advocates from all walks of life who will not be robbed of our Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms. And we are far from powerless.
Hear us roar, Mark Kelly, and tremble. [More]
Surgeon General's authority over gun policy is beside the point
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.The point being (deliberately?) missed here is that the Surgeon General speaks with the federal government's voice on health issues (and even on what are dubiously claimed to be "health issues"). Even without direct power to set policy, the Surgeon General is presumably thought to have some influence, else why have the position at all? [More]
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Concealed carry in Illinois adds new relevance to 'gun-free zone' liability laws
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.In 2005, nearly a decade before Illinois was dragged kicking and screaming into the reality of acknowledging that we the people are endowed with a right to not only keep, but to bear arms, such legislation would have been merely symbolic, even had it passed.
That is no longer the case. and it is past time for the state to recognize that those who use their power, whether as government officials or as property owners, to mandate that the people under their power be defenseless, are accessories to their murder, should predatory scum take advantage of their forced disarmament. [More]
Monday, March 24, 2014
Bill Maher wants Dems to 'come out against 2nd Amnd.,' congressman promises to
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.In the end, let's hope that Rep. Ellison is correct, and that "progressive" Democrats will campaign on a platform that admits to seeking the end of the Second Amendment--that they have given up trying to pretend that their forcible citizen disarmament agenda can be realized without infringing on that which shall not be infringed.
Good luck with that. [More]
Friday, March 21, 2014
'Smart guns' dumb idea for police, even dumber for the rest of us
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Yep--apparently the Fraternal Order of Police don't want to take the risk that the criminal's gun won't work, in case the officer gets it away from him and needs to use it.
If police are endangered by a requirement to carry "smart guns," and they are endangered by criminals carrying them, just who is it that should be required to use them?
The obvious answer is nobody. [More]
Thursday, March 20, 2014
ARMagLock: Clever approach to dealing with oppressive gun laws, or surrender?
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.There is perhaps a compromise to be found here for people living under such laws. Defy those laws, obtain the "illegal" guns--even if you have to make them yourself in order to do so. Don't register them (obviously)--perhaps even convert the registration forms into atmospheric carbon, just to get the "progressives" still more hot under the collar. But also maintain at least one "legal" AR-15, even if doing so requires odd gadgetry like the ARMagLock and the "SAFE Act"-compliant stock--just to let the other side know that however many gun ban laws they come up with, they're still being outsmarted, and people are still buying AR-15s (which can, after all, be quickly converted to full capability). [More]
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
New York gun rights advocates turn registration forms into airborne carbon
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.According to the Blaze (now that's an appropriate name for a source covering this event), nearly 1,000 registration forms met their fiery end that day.
Yep--intended to be the "progressive" dream of a "treasure map" for the gun confiscators of the (near?) future, the forms have instead become the "progressive" nightmare of atmospheric carbon--the favored weapon of "climate tyrants," according to at least one deranged "progressive." [More]
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Did Gun Rights Examiner defeat confirmation of rabidly anti-gun Surgeon General?
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Still, if America's gun owners do end up being spared the rabidly anti-gun Vivek Murthy as Surgeon General, they might want to thank National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea. And anti-gun extremists like Mike "The Gun Guy" Weisser, who is so upset about the NRA's intention to score the vote, might owe him "despised by the despicable" honors. [More]
Monday, March 17, 2014
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.According to the BATFE, one must request (and pay for) the federal government's permission to provide a bit of basic assistance to those who would arm themselves through their own labor. It becomes more and more difficult to escape the conclusion that the idea here is to eventually outlaw any process by which we the people can obtain firearms that are not on record somewhere. And if the law itself falls short of that, their extralegal interpretation is intended to pick up the slack.
That conclusion is chilling--and should be intolerable. [More]
Friday, March 14, 2014
Gun shop selling EP Armory 80% receivers fighting off ATF attack of its own
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.The problem with BATFE's argument is that EP Armory anticipated that pitfall, and designed their manufacturing process around it. From the restraining order complaint (page 14):
The BATFE has raided EP Armory based on incorrect information about EP Armory's manufacturing process. The determination letter written by the BATFE incorrectly classified the EP Armory product as a firearm based on faulty information. The BATFE was under the impression that EP Armory was making a firearm and then reverting back to the 80% stage by filling in the fire-control cavity. At no point during the manufacturing process by EP Armory is a weapon made and then reverted. The solid fire-control cavity is built first and the rest of the 80% casting is made around this "core" specifically so that their product at no time could be considered to be a firearm.[More]
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Worst of CT cop's 'bang your door in and come for your gun' rant underreported
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Yep--as if Nuremberg never happened, Peterson evidently believes that "just following orders" justifies any evil--including rounding up victims of a planned Holocaust.
We've seen that attitude before from the "government monopoly on force" zealots, but it still shocks and appalls. Heaven help us if we ever sink to such degenerate, abject servility as to allow such depraved evil to not demand our willingness to fight it to our last breath. Peterson has erased the last doubt, if any still existed, that when he and his cohorts "bang down [our] door[s]," they must be met with a wall of lead. [More]
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Anti-gun Maryland Democrats set out to prove a right delayed is a right denied
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Dr. Martin Luther King once famously stated that a "right delayed is a right denied." Typically, advocates of "gun control" try to dispute that obvious truism. Cardin, on the other hand, appears bent on proving it. [More]
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
New Jersey state senator's self-serving 'evolution' on magazine bans is typical
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.So what made last month "the appropriate time"? According to the article, with Sweeney's reelection last November, he has probably faced his last need to serve the interests of his constituents in his relatively pro-gun district. Now, evidently, he is expected to pursue his gubernatorial ambitions in a state that, unlike his district, is dominated by an electorate largely receptive to draconian "gun control" measures. Seen in that light, even calling his earlier opposition to a magazine ban "a lie" might be letting him off to easily. Perhaps it should be called a cynical, self-serving, snollygoster's lie. [More]
Monday, March 10, 2014
ATF raids '80% complete receiver' manufacturer, looking for 'illegal guns'
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.It is, of course, entirely possible that the BATFE does have a reasonable suspicion that Cook and EP Armory have violated federal gun laws. Since those laws are unconstitutional abominations, that would still not excuse their actions, but one could argue that such a scenario would be somewhat less arbitrarily vindictive tyranny than bringing the power of the federal government to bear against someone whose only "crime" is making the palladium of liberty more easily accessible to more people.
In the meantime, EP would probably appreciate some business coming their way, and who doesn't need a homemade AR-15? [More]
Friday, March 07, 2014
Backlash against gun shop shows gun owners smarter than 'smart gun' pushers
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.The rabidly anti-liberty "government monopoly on force" fanatics of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence advocate what they call "counter-marketing"--whereby police forces buy only from manufacturers/retailers, etc., who toe their forcible citizen disarmament extremist line. All the nation's police forces put together, though, don't buy nearly as many guns in a year as America's private citizens--as Smith & Wesson found out, to the company's near demise (forestalled only by a "regime change" in the company).
We can destroy anyone in the gun industry who collaborates with the forcible citizen disarmament lobby and their pet government officials. And we must. [More]
Thursday, March 06, 2014
Illinois Democrat congressional candidate wants to ban body armor
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.If Anderson wins the primary, and then the general election, he will join Democrat Senator Dick Durbin (assuming Durbin also wins in November) as at least the second Illinois congressman to go on record supporting a body armor ban.
As contemptible as the people are who push laws restricting who can own a firearm, what kind of firearm it is, where it can be taken, how much ammunition it can hold, etc., those who would ban purely defensive measures like body armor, who would demand that we the people be perforated by every bullet that comes our way, occupy a level of loathsomeness all their own. [More]
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Under pressure from Demanding Moms, Facebook mulls banning 'gun-themed' pages
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Now what, exactly, are "gun-themed fan pages"? The term seems rather ambiguous--distressingly ambiguous, perhaps, but what is not so ambiguous is that it sounds rather more broad than "gun sales pages." There must be thousands of "gun-themed" pages, including one that makes Gun Rights Examiner articles easy for gun rights advocates (many of whom could conceivably be referred to as "fans" of guns) to find. Are those to be on the chopping block, too?
Even if not, one can easily imagine the kind of hate-filled, rage-fueled forcible citizen disarmament fanatics like whoever created this Facebook page staging a "false flag" operation by joining gun discussion groups on Facebook under a pseudonym, arranging fake "gun sales," and before the page administrators can do anything about it, reporting the banned activity to Facebook, and getting the page banned. [More]
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
'Gun loving liberals' are welcome to the debate, but who can they vote for?
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.Any ally in the fight against the forcible citizen disarmament jihad is welcome, but before the Liberal Gun Club can contribute much to that fight, they're going to have to cultivate a brand of politician nearly unheard of these days: the truly "pro-gun progressive" politician. That's a tall order. [More]
Monday, March 03, 2014
Brady Campaign signals exclusive focus on 'universal background checks'--for now
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend--and Facebook "likes" and "shares" are hugely appreciated.After they get their "universal background checks," then they can shift their focus to banning whichever guns they can most successfully convince the public are "too dangerous" to be entrusted to private citizens. Perhaps more alarmingly, after winning on the background checks, it will be time to use the data generated by the checks to create a de facto registry, which would of course be essential for the long term goal of confiscation--and remember that even the Obama administration's National Institute of "Justice" has noted that background checks are useless without registration, and gun and magazine bans are useless without confiscation.
Then again, they just may not be able to help themselves when the urge to push for gun bans hits them--these people tend not to be characterized by their exquisite self-control. [More]