Mission statement:

Armed and Safe is a gun rights advocacy blog, with the mission of debunking the "logic" of the enemies of the Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms.

I can be reached at 45superman@gmail.com.You can follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/45superman.

Friday, December 31, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 31

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Happy New Year, everyone.

New Year's resolution: Become a 'Militia of One'

Still, these difficulties do not have to mean that the only option is to throw up one's hands and abdicate responsibility for one's own and one's family's security and liberty, counting on the government's protection. An aspiring "Militia of One" who wishes to "well-regulate" himself can, in numerous ways, improve his ability survive a crisis. Just a few ideas . . . [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 30

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Enemies of gun rights can't hide their hostility to Constitution

Or perhaps it's not so remarkable. After all, when the Bill of Rights states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, those who want to do the infringing have little choice but to ignore or disparage the Constitution (or just edit it to one's advantage). [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 29

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Richard Nascak/Ft. Myers:

David Codrea/National

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

CSGV renews push for 'microstamping'

Now one would think that if microstamping were as effective a crime fighting tool as some would lead us to believe, proponents would be thrilled to have their assertions borne out by the National Academy of Sciences. As it turns out, though, the bill was introduced by Congressman Dan Boren (NRA Board of Directors member), and all eight of the co-sponsors are at worst neutral on gun rights, with most being supportive, and some quite highly regarded by the not easily impressed Gun Owners of America. Why aren't Brady Campaign endorsees in droves supporting it? [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 28

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Mayors bill taxpayers for security; would forbid them to defend themselves

I won't begrudge the mayors their protective details, or even the public being billed for that security. What is intolerable and unconscionable is that the mayors work to deny their benefactors the right to the means to provide their own security. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Monday, December 27, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 27

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Attorney General Holder fans flames of 'homegrown terrorism' suspicion

Then again, the Holder Justice Department claims the authority to kill American citizens, preemptively, without a trial, so I suppose it makes a certain kind of sense that Holder would want the power to disarm them first. Stirring fears of "homegrown terrorists" helps to lay the groundwork for Americans' acquiescence to these usurpations, so Holder's public alarmism makes a certain (twisted) kind of sense, as well. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Friday, December 24, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 24

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Mike Stollenwerk/DC:

Liston Matthews/Knoxville:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Ask your congressman to join Rep. Rehberg effort to block BATFE power grab

Congressman Rehberg's press release does not indicate who the 33 co-signers are, so the only safe assumption each of us can make is that our congressman did not sign it, and it's up to us to urge them to send another letter, along the lines of, "What they said--us too!" [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 22

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

BATFE shows its contempt for will of the people

They already "expect" to go through with this--in two or three weeks time--regardless, apparently, of what the public says. Not "propose" to dramatically expand the already unconstitutional regulation of firearms commerce; not "hope" to do so; and certainly not "humbly request the public's permission" for this new regulatory power--they "expect" it. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 21

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Ed Stone/Atlanta:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Defenselessness in the name of 'child safety'

Presumably, she has some awareness of the fact that it's difficult to teach kids about "the difference between toy guns and real firearms," without ever exposing them to real firearms. After all, even the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has trouble figuring out the difference between real guns and toys. It's also interesting that the "four gun safety teaching points" promoted by the California Bureau of Firearms ("Stop! Don't Touch. Leave the area. Tell an adult.") are exactly the four taught in the NRA's "Eddie Eagle" program. Who'd have guessed that Brady Campaign highest-scoring California would use the same child gun safety education that has some anti-gun groups in such high dudgeon? [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Monday, December 20, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 20

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Mike Stollenwerk/DC:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Attorney General's office: 'decades of scholarly literature' support RKBA

Kaplan, in fact, claims that winning the Supreme Court's acknowledgment, in Heller, that the Second Amendment disallows handgun bans, was not "complex." That kinda sounds as if he's saying that it's a simple matter to understand that the Second Amendment guarantees individual citizens' right to keep and bear arms. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A comment to the BATFE

Friday was the day that the BATFE finally went public with the proposal (pdf file), starting the 60-day comment period (for a proposal they hope to implement in 19 days). Some gun rights advocates in St. Louis and elsewhere may wish to comment, but are perhaps at a loss for words. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) makes some good suggestions about points to make, but I personally decided to focus on the BATFE's authority (or, more accurately, their lack of it). This is what I sent to BarbaraTerrell@atf.gov . . . [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Friday, December 17, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 17

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Rob Reed/Detroit:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Gun owners must speak up to stop long gun sales reporting requirement

According to the Washington Post, the idea is to take a smaller (and therefore apparently considered more politically viable) bite of the apple, by somewhat limiting the scope of the new regulations. Thus, the multiple long gun sales requirement would only apply to certain rifles (detachable magazine-fed, semiautomatic rifles above .22 caliber--so called "assault weapons," very broadly defined, in other words), and only gun dealers near the Mexican border would be affected. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 16

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Rob Reed/Detroit:

John Longenecker/Los Angeles:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Defending indefensible gun bans with 'electronic errors'

This is where Cook County brazenly distorts quotes from the McDonald decision, in order to try to bolster their case. The details of how, exactly, Cook County tried to pull (the brief can be seen here--pdf file) a fast one are a bit long to post here, but are summed up very well in this post at Illinois Carry. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 15

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Liston Matthews/Knoxville:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

BATFE hoping to bypass legislative process to impose draconian new requirements?

If the Obama administration fears the public's reaction to oppressive new firearms regulation (imposed by administrative fiat, to boot), to the extent that it is trying to implement the new regulations in secret, perhaps it ought to give up, in deference to the will of the people. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

By the way, remember to make that call today.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 14

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Force RNC to become TRULY 'pro-gun'

What gun owners can do right now is to click here and submit penetrating questions (not "How many guns do you own?") about the candidates' positions on the Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Update: Please vote up my question, and this one.

Update 2: And get David's, as well.

Monday, December 13, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 13

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Richard Nascak/Ft. Myers:

David Codrea/National:

Sean Caranna/Orlando:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea will be on Doc Bean’s show tonight to discuss this story as well as whatever else comes up.

Click here for The Watchmen Radio Network.

Click here to listen live, starting at 9:00 pm EST/6:00 pm PST and all points in between and around.

Are efforts to reduce Mexican 'crime guns' leaving citizens defenseless?

Obviously, though, "vulnerable and outgunned" is exactly what compliance with Mexican gun laws would leave them, and the BATFE is steadily ramping up its efforts to assist in the enforcement of those laws.

At the same time, Americans are being told that we must have similar laws here in the U.S. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Friday, December 10, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 10

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Thank veterans by protecting their right to self-defense

And lest any readers believe this was just fear mongering and/or "NRA bashing" on the part of Mr. Valone and Gun Owners of America, such horror stories have come to pass. Fort Smith Gun Rights Examiner Steve D. Jones informed us back in September of the disarmament of Wayne Irelan, who became a "prohibited person" by virtue of the fact that he needed help keeping track of his finances--sounds like a ticking time bomb, doesn't he?" National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea pointed out that Mr. Irelan's wife became a de facto "prohibited person," too, by virtue of living with Mr. Irelan . . . [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 9

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Is the lack of a gun registry dangerous, or just 'annoying'?

The most fundamentally offensive aspect of Daley's demand for a gun registry, accessible by officers' in-car computers, is that it treats gun ownership itself as a suspect activity, indicative of a tendency toward criminal violence. That, of course, is exactly how Daley views private gun ownership, and why he finds the lack of the computerized registry "annoying." [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 8

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:

Richard Nascak/Ft. Myers:

David Codrea/National:

Sean Carrana/Orlando:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

At what age does a person's life become worth defending?

Josh Horwitz, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, would have to be considered the "winner" of the race to the ethical bottom, though, in comparing Mr. D'Cruz to the Columbine killers.

[ . . . ]

I suppose, though, that next to lobbying for the continued mandate of Mr. D'Cruz's defenselessness, vilely libeling him is a small matter. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 7

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:

John Longenecker/Los Angeles:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Urban violence spreading to parks--national park carry vindicated

Of course, that "spilled" violence poses a threat not only to rangers, but to park visitors, as well. The good news is that, since February of this year, national parks no longer ban effective self-defense. This change was not met with universal approval, of course. As we've discussed before, the very need for the ability to defend oneself was scorned by some, including a National Park Sevice retiree quoted by the Violence Policy Center's Josh Sugarmann, in the Huffington Post . . . [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Monday, December 06, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 6

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Has Obama promised BATFE accountability?

That statement probably sounds a bit odd, coming as it does in a column that tends to focus on Obama's hostility to private gun ownership. And no--I have no knowledge of President Obama specifically mentioning the BATFE as an agency that must be held to account, but let's look at one of the Obama-Biden administration's promises, listed at "Change.gov" . . . [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Is Sen. Claire McCaskill calling for 'Second Amendment remedies'?

Given her longstanding hostility to private firearm ownership, I imagine Josh Horwitz is going to be willing to give her a pass about her "insurrectionist rhetoric," as I expect the Brady Campaign will do, as well. And that strikes me as a bit odd, given the furor raised by those organizations, over Sharron Angle's reference to "Second Amendment remedies," during her attempt this year to take Harry Reid's U.S. Senate seat away from him in Nevada. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Friday, December 03, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 3

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Guns on a train

Apparently, though, the concern now is that passengers with evil intent will sneak into the baggage car, find their stowed weapons and ammo, and then run amok. Sounds as if some folks have imaginations worthy of "Snakes on a Plane," doesn't it? [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 2

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

John Longenecker/Los Angeles:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Citizen disarmament wears a white coat

And with health care reform moving in the direction of putting the federal government in charge of the purse strings involved in paying for medical care, what's to stop an anti-gun administration (the kind of administration, for example, that would pick Eric Holder for Attorney General, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, and Andrew Traver as head of the BATFE) from putting some rather effective back-channel pressure on the mental health care folks, to come up with a diagnosis that calls for a prescription for disarmament? [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

GRE Round Up, Dec. 1

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

VPC attempting to link concealed carry to suicide

Note also that the sucide rate among concealed carry licensees is lower (by a fair margin) than that among law enforcement officers, and yet law enforcement officers are the "Only Ones" the VPC would have us trust with guns (to the extent that Sugarmann advocates an outright national ban on handguns for non-"Only Ones"). [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner (better late than never--internet trouble). Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 30

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Mike Stollenwerk/DC:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Major BATFE 'house cleaning' most pressing gun rights need

More importantly, though, we need stringent congressional oversight of the BATFE's activities. As it happens, former congressman Jim Lightfoot has recommended just that. Having once been chairman of the committee that approved the BATFE's budget, he has some knowledge of that agency, and what he knows about it ain't pretty. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Monday, November 29, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 29

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

John Longenecker/Los Angeles:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Living with 'prohibited person' no grounds for forcible citizen disarmament

As problematical as it is to designate a large segment of the population as undeserving of the exercise the right to keep and bear arms, the problem is brought into even sharper relief when one considers the fact that someone who has in no other respect been deemed unworthy of that right could be prosecuted for exercising it while living with (or being visited by?) a "prohibited person." [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Friday, November 26, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 26

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Armed St. Louisan gives would-be predator a pain in the rear

The young thug (thuglet?) was taken to the hospital, with non-life-threatening injuries. He also has a story that I suspect he would prefer not to share with his fellow residents in whatever facility he is sent to--such a story is unlikely to go far in burnishing one's tough-guy credentials. One would hope that in his trip to the store, he also picked up a bit of much needed (desperately needed, really) wisdom. That would suit him much better than the bag of potato chips he tried to steal. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

As American gun owners, we have much for which to give thanks

I have the privilege of calling some of today's heirs of that proud legacy friends, and all of them allies. I am secure in the knowledge that I will not be alone in refusing to ever surrender so much as a square inch of the moral and Constitutional high ground. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Happy Thanksgiving, folks.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another blogroll addition

Last week, I added No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money to the blogroll.

Today, I'm adding An NC Gun Blog (No Lawyers is also a North Carolina blog--something about all those paratroopers must do something good for a state). Do yourself a favor, and check both of them out.

GRE Round Up, Nov. 24

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

John Longenecker/Los Angeles:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Brady Campaign and VPC not opposed to repealing Hughes Amendment?

Oddly, though, both those organizations also argue, when it suits them, that semi-automatic and fully-automatic firearms are essentially similar. In arguing for a ban of so-called "assault weapons," for example, the VPC claims that not only are semi-autos no less "deadly" than full-autos--they might be more so . . . [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Hope you give it a look, and tell a friend.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 23

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

John Longenecker/Los Angeles:

David Codrea/National:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

St Louis #1 in violent crime--and 'authorities' disparage armed self-defense

There are some races in which it would be best to come in last. Unfortunately, in perhaps the best example of such a race, St. Louis leads the pack. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. By the way--this is something I just thought of, in reference to Slay's "warning" to Troupe about carry laws and City Hall:
I'm not saying that Mayor Slay's apparent hostility to the idea of Alderman Troupe being armed has anything to do with Troupe's race, but that wouldn't seem out of keeping with the attitudes of that group's founder.
Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Monday, November 22, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 22

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Liston Matthews/Knoxville:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

College president lying about concealed carry, and media covering for him

This is, of course, utter hogwash (to be polite), as the Luby's Cafeteria massacre occurred in 1991--five years before the legalization of concealed carry in Texas, and the only guns present were in the hands of the deranged psychopath responsible for the slaughter. In fact, one of the prime movers in the effort that brought legal concealed carry to Texas in 1996 is Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp. She was at Luby's that horrible, fateful day, with her parents, and in compliance with Texas law at the time, had left her handgun behind, and was thus powerless to prevent the murder of both her parents. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Hope you stop by, and tell a friend.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Where there's a will, there's a way

Pretty amazing:

Makes me feel like a wuss, for giving up long guns when I became paraplegic (because they're awkward for someone confined to a wheelchair.

Friday, November 19, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 19

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

National Ammo Day

Today is the day.

The "official" idea is to buy 100 rounds of centerfire ammo.

Me? I decided to multiply that by 25.

Why? Oh--I don't know . . .

In 1972, when the ATF separated from the Internal Revenue Service and became its own bureau within the Treasury Department, it had about 2,500 agents. At the time, the FBI had 8,700, the DEA 1,500 and the U.S. Marshals 1,900.

Thirty-eight years later, the FBI is up to 13,000, the DEA has more than tripled to 5,000, and there are 3,300 federal marshals.

The ATF, now a part of the Justice Department, remains at 2,500.
Just seemed like an appropriate observance of the nomination of Andrew Traver as head JBT.

These folks would be happy to help you in your observance, I'm sure.

Robert J. Spitzer's views on Second Amendment are far from 'distinguished'

Right from the beginning, he stakes out his opposition to the idea of a Constitutional guarantee of an individual right to keep and bear arms, with his "militia-based" qualifier--and then he declares the right "obsolete." And he's just getting started . . . [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please stop by, and tell a friend.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 18

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Focus on the crime, not the gun

I understand the desire to silence any "soft on crime" accusations from the forcible citizen disarmament lobby, but doing that is simply not worth giving up an inch of ground on the "tough on Constitutional rights violation" front. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 17

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Paul Valone/Charlotte:

Sean McClanahan/Des Moines:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Supreme Court agrees with the NRA--AGAINST gun rights

I realize, of course, that the NRA doesn't share my objection--executive vice president Wayne LaPierre has, in fact, criticized the federal justice system for not using such prosecutorial gambits more often . . . [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blogroll addition

This deserves a post of its own. I have only recently become aware of the gun blog No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money.

Please consider making it a daily stop--I seriously doubt you'll regret it.

GRE Round Up, Nov. 16

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Obama names anti-gun extremist as next BATFE head

The question now is whether or not the Senate will confirm him. The New York Times article says "he may face a confirmation fight" (and David Codrea points out that there had better be one). The recent Washington Post anti-gun series (discussed here) seems to imply that such a fight is inevitable: [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Monday, November 15, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 15

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Mike Stollenwerk/DC:

David Codrea/National:

Sean Caranna/Seattle:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

And . . .

Join National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea and the Sipsey Street Irregulars' Mike Vanderboegh tonight on the Watchmen Radio Network, discussing the BATFE's new threat to gun owners, the Airsoft fiasco, and more.

Listen live here at 8 PM EST.

'Gun control' gets a new poster boy

Virginia Tech shooting victim Colin Goddard has found that which innumerable medieval alchemists sought so desperately (and so unsuccessfully): a way to transmute lead to gold. The lead in the four bullets with which he was shot is now the gold of a paid position as "professional victim" for the Brady Campaign. [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 12

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Airsoft fiasco just latest example of why BATFE must be held accountable

While I agree with Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, in their contention that we need to "boot the ATF," I am realistic enough to realize it's not likely to happen any time soon. In the meantime, I urge gun owners to push Congress--now reinforced with many new Republicans who at least give lip service to "supporting the Second Amendment"--to pass H.R. 1923, the "Fairness in Firearms Testing Act." [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 11

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Liston Matthews/Knoxville:

David Codrea/National:

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Killing for 'gun control'?

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but when, in a discussion about government violence, Horwitz brings up the "unbelievable amount of firepower on the streets" the officers are "faced with," it seems as if he's saying that law enforcement would kill fewer citizens, if gun laws were even more restrictive than they are now. In other words (while I'm going out on a limb here anyway), maybe if we banned so-called "assault weapons" (for example), fewer citizens would be gunned down by their supposed "protectors." [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and tell a friend.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

GRE Round Up, Nov. 10

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Anthony Bouchard/Cheyenne:

David Codrea/National:

Regular readers will know that I'm a big admirer of David's work, but the series that he has done this week is especially excellent. See parts 1 and 2.

Dave Workman/Seattle:

Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

East St. Louisans taking responsibility for their own security

Well, Mayor--it seems some residents have a plan, too. Of course, one problem with the residents' plan is that they are attempting to implement it in Illinois, where armed self-defense in public is utterly prohibited. In fact, about a year ago, I wrote about Mayor Parks' response to the idea of lowly, non-"Only Ones" having the temerity to insist on having the means to defend themselves in public: [More]
That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Stop on by, and tell a friend.