It's brilliant, really:That's today's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. Please give it a look, and encourage others to do so, as well.
Step 1) Form a rabidly anti-gun administration, and have at least one prominent official float the idea of a draconian new gun law. Check.
Step 2) Imply that those who most vehemently oppose such legislation are potential terrorists. Check.
Step 3) Point to those potential terrorists as justification for the very laws that supposedly provoked the would-be "terrorists." Checkmate. [More]
Check out other Gun Rights Examiners:
- Atlanta: Restaurant with anti-gun policy saved by a gun
- Austin: Contra Costa’s budget woes impacts Sheriff’s department
- Boston: The Educated Patriot: Enemies Foreign And Domestic
- Charlotte: Armed self-defense for gun owners, new and old
- Cleveland: Frivolous lawsuit against Glock dismissed
- DC: NATO doctrine in effect: open carry rights in Wisconsin under attack!
- Denver: Why people buy "assault weapons"
- Los Angeles: State Sovereignty: Freedom can protect itself.
- Minneapolis: Should gun owners abandon the Republican Party?
- National: 'Inspector X'
- Seattle: NRA gathering in Phoenix this weekend
- Wisconsin: So, who get's the kids?
Well, I'm glad that one of our wonderful state representatives (Carl Wimmer, he will be on Glenn Beck today) here in Utah is gonna try and pass some awesome legislation next spring telling the federal gov't where they can stick there laws.
We have to wait till next spring because we only allow them to get togather for 45 days each year and then we tell them to get a real job for the rest of the year.
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